Monday, June 28, 2010

Mark's First Father's Day

Allie also got her Dad a digital photo frame to keep at work so he can look at her all day long. We can't believe she was 5 months old on Father's Day. She has brought tons of laughs and joy into our lives. We love her so much!!!

She has been eating great, growing some cute little thighs!

Mommy and Allie also made cute little onesies for Allie to wear the weekend of Father's Day.

Allie got her Daddy a little tikes tool bench for Father's Day so they can play and build things together!

Allie's 3 month pictures

These are a few of our favorite 3 month pictures. We had them taken by Created by Me Photography.

Finally an update.....oops!!

She is getting to be such a big girl, we started her on rice cereal a couple weeks ago. It took a little bit for her to get the hang of it!
This is Allie's most common pose, her feet her in mouth. She loves to suck on her toes!

We went to Omaha recently and visited our friends Abby, Preston, and their little girl Jacie. We had to dress Jacie and Allie alike, I am sure they will make fun of us later in life for these pictures.

This is one of my favorites, it makes me giggle!!

Allie's all bundled up to watch mommy running her race! Good thing the stroller has a cup holder for Daddy's coffee!! ha ha

She looks like a little girl in these adorable jeans. She was all dressed up for Daddy's birthday in April.

Smilin' Allie!

Allie's first Easter Egg Hunt.

Just Allie being cute!!

Allie looks so darling in her adorable bunny jacket, she was our little Easter Bunny!!

Of course, we had to stick her in the Easter basket for her 1st Easter.

Here is our happy Allie...we are very thankful because this is how she looks the majority of the time!

Allie just chillin in her bumbo seat, almost asleep!!

Here is Allie at 2 weeks with her Cabbage Patch doll, I thought she needed to have one since I had one when I was little!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Baptism - February 7th

It use to be us three "Venem" girls but now there is four, Allie fits right in!

Look at these proud Godparents!!

Family Photo

Allie is trying to sneak some of the frosting on the cake, hmm I wonder who she got that sweet tooth from?!?!

Allie's Baptismal gown also worn by Mom and a lot of the other Budin cousins. Allie was baptized with 7 other babies and she didn't make one peep through the whole service.

Thursday, January 28, 2010


Sorry it took us so long to update, we have been busy with visitors and adjusting to life as mom and dad. We are very lucky to have such a great baby. Allie sleeps and eats really good. We love watching her change everyday.

Great Aunt Marcia loved holding Allie and can't wait for Allie and her grandson Thomas to play together.

Here is Allie enjoying her little chair while her cousin Emery (Mark's cousin Anya's daughter) wanted to play with her. We are excited for Allie and Emery to grow up and play together!

Justin came with Pete for the weekend and also liked meeting Allie!

Pete came all the way from Milwaukee to visit. He liked Allie because she didn't cry when he held her!!

Allie found her big toe when Dad was holding her one night!!

Staci, Aunt Julie's friend, came to visit. Her boyfriend Dr. Alex gave Mom some good advice so Allie wouldn't be so sleepy and more hungry. At Allie's 2 week Dr. appt she wasn't back to her birth weight but after 3 weeks she was back up to 9lbs. 3 oz.!!
Here is a two week picture of Allie with her Cabbage Patch doll!

Allie is just chillin in her chair, ready for bed.

Allie loves her baths, Dad is excited she likes the water and can't wait to take her for swimming lessons.

Uncle Nathan is holding Allie, just for a little bit because she tooted and he wanted nothing to do with that! He was a good guesser, he was the closest at guessing birth date, weight, and height!

Here is Uncle Lucas, looking like he is a pro at holding little baby girls! His little niece Brielle gave him good practice.

Our good friends Abby, Preston, and their daughter Jacie came to visit from Omaha and Abby and I had a blast dressing up our daughters in the same cute little outfits! We are so glad Jacie and Allie liked each other because Abby and I already decided they were going to be best friends!!
Great Grandma Kathleen came up to spend the day with Allie, we did a little shopping and of course eating since Grandma always makes tons of food!!

Jim came over to visit and is anxiously waiting for April for his daughter NiKayla to be born. Allie can't wait to meet her new friend!

Cousins Lisa and Theresa stopped over and enjoyed holding Allie, she is a lucky little girl so many people love her!!

Here are my pretty eyes!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

5 Days Old

We were recovering from the busy weekend with a relaxing and restful Monday, not only for Allie but for Mom and Dad too. Dad now has a partner for his naps he likes to take.

Busy Weekend!!

During our busy weekend we even fit in our first Dr. appointment, Allie weighted 8 lbs 11 oz and when we left the hospital she weighted 8 lbs 10 oz so the Dr said we were doing good! Her jaundice is clearing up and she is sleeping and eating great. She is even letting Mom and Dad get rest during the night.

We had lots of friends and family visit us over the weekend. Thank you to everyone for stopping by and meeting Allie for the first time. Also, thanks for those of you who brought presents and food. They are very much appreciated.

The grandparents came again to visit their new little granddaughter. Mark and I both lost rank in our families - Allie has won over everyone!!!

Erika and Rory are friends of ours. They will be having a new friend for Allie come June.

Chris Larson is a good friend of both Kari and I from Mankato. Good thing Allie was able to meet Chris before the big Vikings game, he might not have been in as good of a mood to meet Allie after the game.

Nicole and her daughter Jenna came to visit. Kari works with Nicole. Thanks for all the cute outfits Jenna, Allie is going to really like them.

Kari's Grandma Cheryl stopped to visit her first Great-Grandaughter, we know Grandpa Ron is watching us smiling!!

Great Auntie Beth, Madalyn, and Camille were excited to hold Allie. Camille didn't quite know what to think of her new cousin but she did give her a welcome kiss.

Tom and April Morgan are good friends of ours. They were real excited to meeet Allie for the first time. I think they will be even more excited when Allie gets to watch her first triathlon in her cute Nike onsies.

Cousin Steph was here early in the morning to give Mom and Dad a chance to get ready before all the visitors came for the day.